Call Centre: +243815586555 | Emergency: 4309
Emergency No.
Lunumbashi | + 243 822 506 837 |
Gombe | +243828501497 |
Goma | + 243 998 880 097 |
Mbanz-Ngungu (In association with Sandu) | + 243 811 534 313 |
Call Centre: +243815586555 | Emergency: 4309
Lunumbashi | + 243 822 506 837 |
Gombe | +243828501497 |
Goma | + 243 998 880 097 |
Mbanz-Ngungu (In association with Sandu) | + 243 811 534 313 |
The Haematology department at HJ Hospitals at Kinshasa (DRC Congo) features an excellent equipment base including automated cell counters, coagulometers and flow cytometers. It provides a wide range of services for the diagnosis and treatment of blood disorders and bone marrow.
The lab has powerful systems to diagnose several blood deficiencies, genetic defects, anaemia, leukaemia and clotting abnormalities. Comprehensive tests for the identification of bleeding disorders and all types of hypercoagulability disorders are also offered.
The laboratory integrates highly skilled doctors, specialised technicians and strong automation to provide accurate, dependable results within a short period of time while maintaining a high degree of quality control.
Biochemistry is the study of chemical and biochemical components in the body for preventing, diagnosing and managing the disease. Diseases like diabetes, heart attacks, infertility, thyroid problems, cystic fibrosis and meningitis can be diagnosed by the examination of body fluids including blood, urine and CSF.
The Clinical Biochemistry division at HJ Hospitals at Kinshasa (DRC Congo) is a new generation laboratory featuring state-of-the-art equipment and technology. It provides comprehensive clinical laboratory services in the extensive domain of clinical chemistry, therapeutic drug monitoring, endocrinology and clinical toxicology. The department carries out a range of esoteric testing such as identification of haemoglobin variants and HbA1c quantification.
The experienced team of professionals – medical scientists, clinicians, laboratory technicians, technical assistants and phlebotomists – are capable of providing the medical and scientific expertise needed to deliver hi-precision results.
The Immunology laboratory tests at HJ Hospitals at Kinshasa (DRC Congo) provide a huge range of assays that help in the diagnosis, management and analysis of medical problems connected with several immunological and infectious diseases. The lab engages in diagnostic testing for allergen sensitivity, autoimmune diseases, infectious disease and HIV serological testing.
The department carries out multiple immunoassays, including radio-immunoassays, specialised endocrine testing and others.
Tests are performed using highly automated systems. Introduction of cutting edge technologies is an ongoing process in this department, to deliver on the promise of quality results, quick turnaround time and reduced costs.
The Microbiology Laboratory of HJ Hospitals at Kinshasa (DRC Congo) provides complete clinical services for the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of infectious diseases. Several techniques like microscopy, isolation on culture media, detection of antibodies, etc. are employed to identify the presence of potentially pathogenic microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi, viruses and parasites. Antimicrobial susceptibility tests are executed on isolates to identify the most appropriate antibiotic for treating an infection.
The laboratory is equipped with automated systems to address blood culture and mycobacterium culture, bacterial determination and antimicrobial susceptibility thus shortening the turnaround time for reporting.
Quality control and quality assurance are held in highest regard in the lab.
The HJ Hospitals at Kinshasa (DRC Congo) Cytopathology laboratory is a state-of-the-art facility specialising in the analysis of malignancies. The division provides clinical testing, diagnostic examinations for Cytologic specimens consisting of both gynaecologic and non-gynaecologic samples. These include analysis of pap tests, body fluid evaluations and diagnostic examination of fine needle aspiration.
The Cytopathology department is strengthened by a highly experienced and skilled team of senior consultants. A committed and honest team of exceptionally trained technical staff also supports the division. Cytopathology reports at HJ Hospitals are of high international standards, and come at an affordable price tag. The department also accepts samples from sources outside of Congo.
The laboratory ensures a short turnaround time. Extra quick processing and reporting is done for critical cases like transplants and other life threatening conditions.
The Department of Clinical Pathology at HJ Hospitals at Kinshasa (DRC Congo) supports the diagnosis of disease using laboratory testing of blood and other bodily fluids, tissues, and microscopic evaluation of individual cells.
The department employs advanced computer technology and automated equipment. A wide range of point-of-care equipment is also available to get specimen testing straight to the intensive care units and the operating rooms.
The laboratory scientists and pathologists work in close association with the clinical biochemistry team and the division of Hematology to deliver high quality, timely and affordable services.